Carsten Höller, Double Mushroom Vitrine (Once), 2019. Fly agaric - Fliegenpilz - Amanita muscaria / Clouded Funnel – Nebelkappe - Clitocybe nebularis Cast polyurethane mushroom replicas in various sizes, acrylic paint, glass discs, metal pins, vitrine glass, powder-coated metal framework, 31 x 26 x 26 cm. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery.

Carsten Höller, Installation view of solo exhibition, 50% at PKM Gallery, 2015.
Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery. Photographed by Sangtae Kim.

Carsten Höller, Installation view of solo exhibition, 50% at PKM Gallery, 2015.
Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery. Photographed by Sangtae Kim.

Carsten Höller, Installation view of solo exhibition, 50% at PKM Gallery, 2015.
Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery. Photographed by Sangtae Kim.